Our Communion Policy

At Trinity Chapel of Seven Mile Ford, we believe that Communion, also known as “Holy Communion,” “The Lord’s Supper,” and “The Eucharist,” is an important part of our Christian Life.

At Trinity Chapel, we believe that there is only one God, but there are three elements to this one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; human beings’ decision to reject this eternal God and live according to their own standards (sin) causes a relational breakdown between them; that God the Son, Jesus Christ, lived and died to give people a model and a way to be reconciled with God.

At Trinity Chapel, we consider the Bible to be fundamental to life as a Christian and believe that “the Scriptures contain all things necessary for salvation”.

At Trinity Chapel, we believe that the Christian life involves regular praise and prayer, both private and public, and that Christians must practice what they preach and pray – both on Sundays (the day when we normally gather for worship) and every day, as they seek to live out their worship.

In addition, we believe that people become members of God’s Church through Baptism, and all Christians should celebrate Holy Communion as a shared ‘meal’ (of bread/wafer and wine) which they eat together in Jesus’ name.

At Trinity Chapel, we believe that Communion is more than just something “symbolic,” done as a quaint reminder of our faith, but it is much more important. We believe that Jesus Christ is present with us in this Sacrament. We don’t know exactly HOW He is present (other than by the power of His Spirit), because it is a mystery. But we do know that He is present as He promised.

At Trinity Chapel, we understand that Communion, just like Baptism, is a visible and effectual sign of God’s Grace and goodwill toward His people, which strengthens and confirms us in our faith.

At Trinity Chapel, we take this Sacrament with Joy, reverence, and with thanksgiving. Communion is open to all Baptized Christians that agree with the basic principles outlined in this statement.

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