Here at Trinity Chapel, we believe that Holy Communion is an important part of our life in Christ, and it is open to all Baptized Christians. Communion was a vital part of the life of the early church.

We know from the Book of Acts, Chapter 2, verse 42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” St. Paul writes in 1st Corinthians 10:16 “The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?” It is clear from scripture that Communion should be celebrated often.


Following the Message, the Communion Table is set. The “Words of Institution” and prayers are given, and then the distribution of communion.

Those receiving will be invited to come up front to the Altar Rail where the Pastor will first bring the communion bread (host). You may eat the bread at that time.

Next, the small cups of grape juice will be distributed to those preferring juice, followed by the Pastor bringing the chalice of wine for those that prefer receiving from the common cup.

After all the participants have communed, you may return to your seats. You may leave the small juice cups on the Altar Rail.

For those unable to be with us during our worship services at the chapel, or do not have a church home, we are offering “Communion at Home.” For those participating with us online, or in the future listening to the service on the radio, we invite you to be a part of our fellowship. To be a part, we are offering communion at-home kits. Before requesting these kits, please read our Communion Policy.

If you would be interested in one of these kits, please fill out the form below. The kits come with the bread and your choice of Grape Juice or Sacramental Wine. These are sent to you at no charge, though any help with defraying the cost is always welcome. We can send up to 10 kits at one time, and it can be a mixture of Juice or Wine.


If requesting Sacremental Wine, are you over the age of 21? Additonal information may be needed.

I have read the Trinity Chapel Communion Policy

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