The basics..
At Trinity Chapel, our worship is both traditional and contemporary. At Trinity Chapel, we follow a simple and easy-to-follow “liturgical” format that is Christ-Centered. Oftentimes, many churches have focused more on being “cool and casual” with an emphasis on having the congregation simply being an audience. We believe that true biblical worship is far more than being a mere spectator, true worship requires our participation as well.

Our Music
Music has always been an integral part of worship since the early church, and music is an important part of our worship experience at Trinity Chapel. The music we use is both familiar hymns and even very contemporary favorites, however, our music is always centered on God and not man. We encourage participation and using your musical gifts in our gathering.
Teaching and Growing in the Faith
In the early years of the Church and until today, there are a number of elements that have always been a part of worship. Some of these elements include music, prayer, reading from God’s Word, and a message of encouragement and teaching to equip us in our daily lives. In some churches, the sermon (or message) is often the “centerpiece” of the service. At Trinity Chapel, while the message is important, it is not excessive in length and is designed to be helpful for people of all ages.

We are Sacramental
At Trinity Chapel, we frequently partake of Communion as we believe the Bible is clear that this special gift of our Lord is more than just a mere symbol, it is truly a means of His Grace to us. We treat Communion with reverence and invite all Baptized Christians to partake of this most sacred gift.
In addition to Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper and other names, we hold to the importance of Baptism. Baptism, like Holy Communion, is more than just a symbol, sign, or token, it is a means of God’s Grace and beneficial to us in our daily lives.
No Offering Plate
While it is true that every faithful local church truly needs the support of the local congregation, at Trinity Chapel we have decided that there are better ways to raise that support. St. Paul says “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” At Trinity Chapel, we do not pass an offering plate as a part of the service.
For those that do give and support the work, as all of us should do as God has prospered you, As you enter the sanctuary there is a box on the wall on the right side to leave your offerings. In addition, Trinity Chapel facilities automatic or online giving for those that prefer that way to support the work and ministry of this congregation.
We recognize with the economic realities in which we live, we do not want anyone to feel obligated or intimidated during the service, particularly if they are going through a difficult time.