What to wear?

One of the most frequent questions we get from people who are thinking about coming to worship with us on a Sunday is “what should I wear?” We always answer the same way: “Clothes. You should wear clothes.” And we mean that. In our young church, we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about our “Sunday best.” We don’t really talk about our clothes at all. Now, while the pastor may wear a clerical shirt or vestment, you’ll find people in shorts and in t-shirts, in dresses, khakis and polos, pants, jeans, blouses, and skirts. Depending on the time of the year, it is a variety.   We don’t bring our good deeds to God hoping that they’ll be good enough. We don’t sing songs of praise to Him because we think our voices will be pristine and perfect. We don’t pray prayers because we think all of our words will be poetic and fitting. And we don’t search our closets to find the finest piece of clothing thinking that we’ll be more welcomed by Jesus if the tag on our collar is impressive enough.

No. We come in the freedom of knowing that we are clothed with Christ, to use the language of Galatians 3:27. We come knowing that we are justified in God’s sight and welcomed because of the righteousness of Christ credited to us and received by faith alone. That it’s never ever a matter of us standing on our righteousness or impressiveness, but that the gospel of Jesus is by faith from first to last, his grace all the way through. When we gather together on Sunday, it’s not for a fashion show. We come together as people who are far more sinful than we could ever imagine, but in Christ far more loved than we could ever dream. So what should we wear to worship? Wear clothes. But most importantly, come clothed in Jesus and the worthiness that is yours in Him, resting in Him alone for life and salvation. You don’t need anything else. Welcome home to Trinity Chapel!